what's going on in Israel for women

Spreading the word! What’s going on in Israel for Israeli women

This month, the Rackman Center, led by Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari and Leah Goeppinger-Levy, spoke at two webinars about the current political situation in Israel and its potential impact on women and women’s right.

The first was on June 14 with representatives of the Jewish Women’s Funding Network and the second was on June 19 with the National Council of Jewish Women of Australia. 

These webinars are critical right now! As part of our work at the Center, we are working diligently to raise awareness in Jewish communities around the world about the dangers facing women in Israel. This is an issue that is NOT only an internal Israeli matter, but rather a matter that concerns Jews, Jewish women and women worldwide.

Please contact us at leah.goeppinger-levy@biu.ac.il should you be interested in scheduling a webinar for your community.



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