On 14th April 2016 we were delighted to host our long standing friends and supporters from the Women’s Amuta Initiative of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. One of our clients spoke to the group about how we are helping her to sort out complex custody issues and Professor Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, Dr Galit Shaul together with Adv Adi Raz, explained about our work, achievements and progress- made possible thanks to their support. We thank the Women’s Amuta Initiative for the great work they are doing in supporting women in Israel!
On 4th April, 20 professional women who are part of the Anti-defamation league in USA, visited The Rackman Center for a session regarding the status of women in Israel – they wanted to understand the whole picture for women in Israel, as well as focus on the status of women in the religious community. It was a pleasure to have them and there was a really interesting discussion. Dr Galit Shaul, CEO of Rackman, led and answered their questions.

The Israeli Center for Learning Cities (ICLC) conduct signing a treaty ceremony at The first national conference of the Israeli Forum for promoting gender equality – looking towards Israel 2030

Wishing you a sad Agunah Day!
We may be about half the population, but that also puts us half the population at risk of being victims to Mesoravot Get (having a divorce refused). The Israeli legal situation gives the husband the exclusive power to break the bond of marriage by giving a Get (divorce). All women who want their status recognized by the State of Israel must receive their divorce from their husband through the rabbinical court – there is no other way. The husband can take this power and use it at will. The options of extortion are endless – they use it to demand custody of the children, or to demand property and money excessively. The message of the institutions seems clear: Give up your independence, your parenting role, your identity and self worth and do anything you can in order to get your Gett (divorce). The problem is, even if you give up everything and use all your bargaining chips, it does not guarantee the ‘gett’ to your freedom: the freedom to marry and have children who who are not considered bastards, freedom to be recognized as a single parent and receive social benefits, the freedom from economic strains and mental stress due to red tape for years under the auspices of the rabbinical court.
So what will happen this year on agunah day?! Is this another year in which we wish each other the Fast of Esther “Have an easy fast”, and continue daily life ?! Or this year as Esther did in the Megillah, will we take our fate in our hands? You have the power to change this intolerable situation – sign a prenuptial agreement, recommend your daughter sign one, and spread awareness about signing prenuptial agreements among your friends. You can help make change and in this way, fight for women’s rights.
“A Prenuptial agreement” could decreases your risk of becoming an Agunah!!
View the video clip “Sign in Love” prenuptial agreements of ICAR, The International Coalition For AGUNAH Rights
Read the article “They … Do Whatever They Want to Do Towards Women Like Me” posted at POLITICO MAGAZINE by MIKE ROSS about the struggle of Sara Murray, a U.S. citizen, who hasn’t been allowed to see her children freely in 4 years.