As you will remember

As you will remember, our client, Karen Levy suffered unspeakable loss when her ex-husband, Ari Levy brutally murdered their two children, Yishai and Sara (not Naomi as mistaken in the article below). Finally, two years later, Ari was tried in court for their murders. The final verdict will come in a few weeks. This horrific […]

14th April 2016

On 14th April 2016 we were delighted to host our long standing friends and supporters from the Women’s Amuta Initiative of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. One of our clients spoke to the group about how we are helping her to sort out complex custody issues and Professor Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, Dr Galit Shaul together with […]

London visit

During our London visit, Prof Ruth Halperin-Kaddari also presented two more sessions including one held at London’s Clifford Chance: ‘Is there nothing new under the sun? Women’s rights in Israel in the 21st century’ and ‘The State of Agunah and Gett Abuse Today: Developments, Advances, Shortcomings and Obstacles’. Dr Galit Shaul also attended and they […]

Stop Online Violence Against Women

Stop Online Violence Against Women! An important meeting was convened at the Knesset last Tuesday, by the Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality, on the growing phenomenon of violence against women on the internet and in social networks. A’, our client, bravely stood up and spoke about the nightmare that she is living […]

article about Racheli Ibenboim

Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, Director of the Ruth and Emanuel Rackman Center for the Advancement of the Status of Women, is quoted in a Jewish Telegraphic Agency article about Racheli Ibenboim, who works to secure rights for haredi women. The article was reprinted in the Intermountain Jewish News, among others.  

Status of Women in the Faculty of Law

Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, Director of the Rackman Center for the Advancement of the Status of Women in the Faculty of Law, is quoted in an article in Israel Hayom about conversion.


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