Petition to the High Court of Justice over the under- represenantion of women in Israel’s national coronavirus experts panel.

Together with our partners in the field, we petitioned the High Court of Justice over the under-representation of women in the Government’s COVID-19 committees and working groups. We demand that action be taken to require giving women an equal voice that also represents the diversity of women in Israel. Especially in crisis situations like this, […]
Israeli Single Mothers Could Lose Child Support Payments Following Coronavirus Lay-offs

Thousands of single mothers who have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus crisis are at risk of losing a major part of their child-support payments. Many single mothers get child support payments from Israel’s National Insurance Institute, but how much they receive is dependent on their salary. Since 2002, unemployment payments are considered a […]
Coronavirus Crisis Update

We must remember that, while this crisis is difficult for all of us, as history has shown, women are more likely to suffer in times of crisis. Women and their children are the primary victims of financial cutbacks and reductions in welfare resources. Women are still the primary caregiver and must now step-up to care […]
The 17th annual conference of the Rackman Center

The 17th annual conference of the Rackman Center on women, family and law in Israel was held on January 21st 2020. This year the conference was dedicated to the role of financial and children experts in family proceedings. The first panel discussed the challenge of dividing “new assets” , such as, virtual coins and wallets […]
Bargaining in the Shadow of the Law: The Case of Jewish Divorce and Gett-Abuse – Prof. Ruth Halperin Kaddari’s lecture to the international Beit Din.

In Israel, divorce negotiations take place in the shadow of the Jewish law. A law which gives one party the ultimate power to veto the divorce, while creating a much more pressing need for it by the other party. The validity of the Jewish divorce (the gett) is preconditioned on the husband’s free will while […]
Grant from The Hadassah Foundation for Promoting Gender Equality in Israel

We are proud to announce that we have been awarded a grant by the Hadassah Foundation, as part of its investment in gender equality in Israel. It is an honor to serve as a prominent organization promoting leadership advancement and the removal of religious and cultural barriers for girls and women in Israel, and we […]
Remembering Israel’s First Female Lawyer, 90 Years On – an article by Prof. Ruth Halperin Kaddari and Dr. Eyal Katvan

For eight years, Rosa Ginzberg had battled the authorities of British Mandatory Palestine for the right to sit for the bar examination and to practice law in pre-state Israel. On February 15, 1930 the High Court of Justice delivered its ruling – the justices chose realism over formalism, focusing on the issues of the status […]
One Hundred Years of Patriarchy – an article by Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari and Einat Offer

Israeli women are the only ones in the western world who are subject to discriminatory laws and are the only social group who are barred from serving in certain civil service jobs.Whole communities in Israel discriminate against women and bar them from communal and political leadership. Read more.
The 16th annual conference of the rackman center

The 16th Annual Conference of the Rackman Center was held on 8.1.19 at Bar-Ilan University on the subject of domestic violence Does the legal system in family law provides an appropriate response? To watch the video recordings of the conference, click below The 16th Annual Conference of the Rackman Center
Visit from Representatives of the US Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues

The Rackman Center enjoyed meeting with representatives from the US Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues. It was a great opportunity for us to explain the situation for women in family here in Israel, and share with them the struggles and the achievements as well as hear about their own experiences and knowledge. There was […]