The Rackman Center held it’s annual Board of Director’s meeting. Prof Ruth Halperin-Kaddari and Dr Galit Shaul summarized the past year of great achievements and progress and set out their aims for the upcoming year. We are so grateful for the support and guidance from our Board of Directors.
Pictured here, together with Prof Ruth Halperin-Kaddari and Dr Galit Shaul, are Prof Oren Perez, new Dean of the Bar Ilan Law School, Prof Rachel Dekel, leading member of Bar Ilan’s School of Social Work, Prof Ronit Ir-shai, academic advisor of Bar Ilan’s Gender Studies Program. Not present, is Prof Shmuel Feiner, senior lecturer in Jewish History at Bar Ilan University and Adv Moriel Matalon, chairman of the Israeli fund for UNICEF and legal expert.