Yesterday, the Rackman Center at Bar-Ilan University held a Moot Court on the topic of: Is the “Shragai Ruling” still relevant? Regarding the authority of the Rabbinical Court in the claim for child support.
The trial was held before the honorable panel:
Honorable Justice Dalia Dorner – retired Supreme Court Justice, Honorable Judge Tzila Tzfat – Vice President of the Tel Aviv District Court, and the Honorable Rabbi Eliyahu Hishrick – Dayan, Chief Rabbinical Court of Appeals in Jerusalem.
The judges accepted the petition by a majority vote and ruled in favor of the mother.
We thank the esteemed judges for coming, and also thank Adv. Danit Assaf-Yehudai for her professional guidance, to Shiri Zeidman, Clinic Director at the Rackman Center, for the organization of the mock trial, and to all the staff of the Rackman Center and the students at the clinic for their successful work.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the US Embassy in Israel for funding this project and for joining us.