Itim, in cooperation with the Rackman Center

Itim, in cooperation with the Rackman Center and the Center for Women’s Justice, filed a petition with the Supreme Court regarding the regulations requiring ‘Clarification of Judaism’ Regulations, which allow the Rabbinical courts to initiate investigation proceedings whether a person is indeed a jew into their ‘Jewishness’ against third parties who have not even applied to the Rabbinical court. As a result of the proceedings those […]

Petition regarding the regulations requiring ‘Clarification of Judaism’ Regulations filed by Itim with the Rackman Center

Itim, in cooperation with the Rackman Center and the Center for Women’s Justice, filed a petition with the Supreme Court regarding the regulations requiring ‘Clarification of Judaism’ Regulations, which allow the Rabbinical courts to initiate investigation proceedings whether a person is indeed a jew into their ‘Jewishness’ against third parties who have not even applied […]

Dr. Galit Shaul, CEO of the Rackman Center

Dr. Galit Shaul, CEO of the Rackman Center, present her speech in the framework of a dialogue on women’s issues in cooperation with the Israeli delegation at the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. Dr. Galit Shaul spoke to the committee about the issues that we are dealing with in family […]

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) will hold a dialogue in Geneva with the Israeli delegation to discuss the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women in Israel. Dr. Galit Shaul, CEO of the Rackman Center, will represent the Rackman Center. As part of the official […]

The Rackman Center will be running an important conference

The Rackman Center will be running an important conference on the current issues of ‘Child Support’ in Israel on 3rd September. There are many discussions about the issue as laws are being challenged and changed and it is important that all professionals in the field are fully aware of what is going on. This issue […]

Analysis by The Rackman Center used in groundbreaking

Analysis by The Rackman Center used in groundbreaking Supreme Court Decision A widely publicized decision by the Supreme Court this July, decided that child support payments should be adjusted equally between partners according to their income in a case of joint custody, rather than only be the father’s responsibility. In making the decision, the Supreme Court referred to an […]


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