Situation for agunot women

Situation for agunot women locked in marriage is cruel and abusive declares Blu Greenberg- The Jerusalem Post

June 2013

  Grave importance: A new development pertaining to the coalition negotiations, a major achievement for the Rackman Center at risk. Benyamin Netanyahu is now at the negotiating table with two ultra-orthodox parties, Shas and United Torah Judaism.  These parties have demands that are detrimental to the status of women in Israel.  In June 2013, Knesset […]

more about bat mitzvah

To read more about the ‘Bat Mitzvah click here or here To watch the video from the ‘Bat Mitzvah’ – Blu Greenberg- “The Interplay of Halakha and Justice The Aguna as a Casr Study”. 

Rackman Center

The Rackman Center acts quickly to assist an ultra or thodox woman who was sent to jail after being unable to attend a rabbinical court hearing because she was recovering from surgery. According to the Rackman Center her husband, a contractor, owns six apartments and, under the family court’s decision that was handed down two years ago, […]


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