“Preventing a comprehensive UN investigation is tantamount to giving up a crucial opportunity for the ultimate international record of Hamas’ crimes and recognition for their victims.” , says Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, Director of the Rackman Center.
The report prepared last year by Pramila Patten, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, was the first international recognition of Hamas’ sexual crimes. She has requested permission to return to Israel to continue her investigation, but the government has refused to give her access to also investigate claims of sexual violence by Israeli soldiers against Palestinian prisoners.
Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, Director of the Rackman Center, was one of the driving forces behind Patten’s first visit to Israel, and she is trying to facilitate her second visit. She emphasizes that Patten’s report was the first and most important international recognition of Hamas’s sexual crimes. Both women previously served in senior positions on the UN Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, and Prof. Halperin-Kadari emphasizes Patten’s tremendous sincerity and integrity.
In her interview with Liza Rozovsky from Ha’aretz, Halperin-Kaddari adds that, one year after the previous review, new evidence has emerged regarding the events of October 7 and also the abuse of the male and female hostages held in Gaza. Preventing a comprehensive review of this evidence by Patten is tantamount to “giving up a crucial opportunity for the ultimate international record of Hamas’ crimes and recognition for their victims, alongside the obligation to conduct a comprehensive review in light of the new evidence in order to uncover the truth.”
She also explains that cooperation with Patten’s investigation creates an important opportunity for Israel to prove to the UN authorities that they are honestly and seriously investigating the crimes attributed to the IDF, and thus perhaps also eliminating the possibility of Israel being placed on the blacklist of countries accused of using sexual violence in armed conflicts.
Click here to read the article: Israel Blocks UN Probe Into Hamas Sexual Crimes From October 7 to Avoid Inquiry Into Abuse of Palestinians