Women’s Participation in the Assembly for Selection Municipal Rabbis
The Rackman Center congratulates Deputy Minister of Religions Matan Kahana for publishing the Regulations for Jewish Religious Services (Electing Municipal Rabbis) 5782-2022. In particular, we are encouraged by its inclusion and legitimization, for the first time in legislation, of appointing women as members of the assembly that elects the head rabbis of Israel’s municipalities. Further, […]
get refusal is violence
Last week on Ta’anit Esther we marked Aguna Day. Aguna Day is an initiative of ICAR – the International Coalition for Aguna Rights, of which the Rackman Center is a member. Facts: In the Halakhic marital system a man has absolute power over a woman’s freedom. Men have the exclusive right to give a Get and […]
we need your support – the rackman center’s crowdfunding campaign
For the first time since Rabbi and Ruth Rackman established the Rackman Center in 2001, we need you. The Center’s work protects women’s rights in Israel by allowing them to exit a marriage at will. In Israel, marriage and divorce is governed by religious law, which requires the husband’s consent to dissolve a […]
israel commits to sign the istanbul convention
The Rackman center played a key role in leading to the State of Israel’s recently publicized commitment to sign the Council of Europe’s Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (the “Istanbul Convention”). Justice Minister Gideon Saar and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid have officially announced their intention to act upon Israel’s […]
Ministry of justice promotes Israel’s accession to the Istanbul Convention
Following 4 years of strenuous activity by the Rackman Center with the Ministry of Justice to promote Israel’s accession to the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Violence against Women (Istanbul Convention) – Justice Minister Gideon Saar instructed Foreign Minister Yair Lapid to apply to Israel Invitation to join the Convention. […]
Women officiating marriage ceremonies –High Court petition
Last week (October 18, 2021), we petitioned the High Court, together with Rabba Dr. Anat Sharbat, and Rabba Batya Jacobs. In the petition, we asked the Chief Rabbinate and the Ministry of Religious Services to explain why women are not allowed to officiate marriage ceremonies for Jewish couples who choose to get married through the […]
“Choosing Life” – A group for women who are in divorce or separation from an unhealthy relationship
The Rackman Center, in collaboration with The Department of Criminology at Bar-Ilan University, opens a group for women who are in complex divorce proceedings and separation from an unhealthy relationship The group will provide you with emotional support and a safe space for personal development, a place of “togetherness”, for speaking and listening and will […]
electronic supervision of a person against whom a protection order has been issued
We are pleased that the bills for the electronic supervision of a person against whom a protection order has been issued (by MK Yurai Lahav-Herzno and by MK Aida Toma-Suleiman) have won government support in the Ministerial Committee on Legislative Affairs and welcome their approval in a preliminary reading by the Knesset. The Rackman Center […]
The Law and its Decisor (Hadin Ve’haDayan) issue 58 now available
The Law and its Decisor (Hadin Ve’haDayan) is an exclusive and unique publication of The Rackman Center that regularly publishes rabbinical judgments on family issues. Judgments are presented in full or in summary, and they focus on the area of divorce and related issues. In exceptional cases, judgments of civil courts, which directly relate to […]
Rackman Center new year activity orientation day
In preparation for the new school year, we held, at The Rackman Center, an orientation day for students of the Clinic for Legal Aid for Women in Family Matters, students in psychotherapy and coaching and for group facilitators who accompany and support women who are in separation and divorce proceedings. The head of the center, […]